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IB Revenue Rankings

First 9 months 2024 Global IB Revenue is at $63.1bn, up 21% from 2023, on par with 9M 2022.

ECM Rankings

ECM revenue steady at $9.5bn near par for the 3rd consecutive period, amid ongoing US rebound.

M&A Rankings

During Q3 2024, Global M&A volume reached $2.5tn, reflecting a 20% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

DCM Rankings

JPMorgan tops the Global DCM and Americas volume rankings, with BNP Paribas and HSBC leading the EMEA and Asian rankings, respectively.

Loans Rankings

JPMorgan tops the Global Syndicated Loans volume and revenue rankings, as well as US-Marketed Loans volume. For the EMEA Loans volume, BNP Paribas took the lead.

Leveraged Finance Rankings

JPMorgan leads LevFin revenue rankings in the US and Goldman Sachs tops the European table.

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